Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Another Exciting Contest at Wilson Orthodontics

Dust off those video cameras, and keep a close eye on our Facebook Fan page in the coming weeks, as we are planning another exciting new contest! We will be providing more information soon, but for now, head over to our fan page, become a fan, and post your best guess of what our new contest will be!

If you become a fan of our page on Facebook, you can easily check for updates on this contest and future events, and will get updates automatically! If you don't already have Facebook, create a profile today! its easy, and it is one of the best ways to connect with Dr. Wilson and team online!

All of us at Wilson Orthodontics want to wish you a safe and happy new year!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays from Wilson Orthodontics

The holiday season is upon us, and as our team reflects on the year that was, we’d like to ask you, our wonderful patients: What’s your favorite part about
the holidays? Being with your loved ones? A clean slate for the new year? Opening presents? All the delicious food?

We’d love if you shared with us all the things you love about the holidays, and don’t forget to stay away from too many of those sweets!

--Dr. Wilson and the ortho team

Friday, December 18, 2009

A Season of Giving : By Pam Cole

Our office loves this time of year for so many reasons. We are all reminded of the importance of friends and family both personal and professional. We love to make someone smile just because of something we said, did, or gave. Here are just a few of the things we do this time of year that have come to mean so much to us at Wilson Orthodontics. We host a yearly Christmas party and invite all dental offices in the area along with other local businesses. This is a great way to see each other face to face. During the party we have giveaways along with good food and great conversation.

Before the holiday seasons started we sent to patients a “Wilson Stimulus Check” , offering a $350.00 discount toward the treatment fee. We sent them out to patients that had come in our office before and were waiting for one reason or another to start treatment. This gave them a great opportunity to get started now, and we had a GREAT response to them.

Several of the Gainesville/Hoschton area’s largest subdivisions hosted “Health Fairs” in their club houses. Practices in the area had booths set up with information about their offices and some goodies to give away too. We had a bright, inviting booth with balloons, and offered a free first time visit with x-rays to attendees. We also gave away free Wilson Orthodontic goodies, including cozies, cups, mouse pads and t-shirts. This was a great way to get to know the businesses in the area and do some great networking.

Our practice is known for being very generous, especially during this time of year. We feel that bringing a smile to someone’s face before we even start orthodontic treatment on is a fantastic start to a great experience here at Wilson Orthodontics.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

No More "FLIPPERS"!!!

At Wilson Orthodontics, we are always on the cutting edge of technology! We now have a conservative option available for our patients who are congenitally missing lateral incisors....NO MORE "FLIPPERS"!!! Here is the way we would traditionally treat our patients with a flipper...notice the wires and acrylic in the roof of the mouth:

Traditionally when our patients are missing 1 or 2 lateral incisors, the braces would be removed in their early teens and they can't get an implant until late teens. This is because the upper bone structures are still growing and an implant fuses to the bone and doesn't grow with it. NOW, we have a TAD (Temporary Anchorage Device) called the VectorTAS system that we can put in the space of the missing tooth until the patient is ready for the final implant restoration. This TAD doesn't fuse to the bone allowing normal bone growth. The best part about it is that the patient doesn't have to wear a "flipper" or removable retainer with a false tooth on it through their high school years...and a removable tooth can be devastating to a high-schooler! Check out the pictures below with the TAD in place and it restored with a professionally made temporary:


The best part about this temporary and the MAIN reason we are offering these now as an option is that the TAD maintains the bone width. So when it is time for the final implant restoration, there is solid, healthy bone available for the implant. So many times before, we have seen that are patients are ready for the implant and there is not enough bone available. This gets into thousands of dollars for a bone graft that should not be necessary. Also, the gingival margins (gums, papilla, etc.) look great once the final implant crown has been restored!

For more information on this latest technology or to see if this is right for you, schedule a complimentary consultation to find out your options.

Dr. Ron Wilson and Ortho Team!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Dr. Wilson!

The whole team at Wilson Orthodontics wanted to wish our orthodontist, Dr. Ron Wilson, a very happy birthday today, and to thank everyone for the birthday wishes on Facebook too!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Clear Braces are Here!

We are excited to announce that new Damon Clear brackets and Invisalign Teen are now available at Wilson Orthodontics! Have you ever wanted to improve your smile, but don't want everyone to know you are in braces? Now you can, with Damon Clear and Invisalign Teen!

Call our office today at 678-971-2461 to learn more!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Turkey Time, by Shannon Hicks

That’s right, It’s that time of year for lots of home cooked food, family and friends! It seems we wait all year long to stuff ourselves on Thanksgiving Day. As we feast, there are foods that aren’t what we call “braces-friendly”. Some of those particular foods are: corn on the cob, fresh fruits and veggies such as, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and apples. These can be eaten mind you, if the corn is cut off the cob, and apples and veggies are cooked so they become soft. Let’s not forget the yummy desserts, brownies , cookies and pies which contain nuts or caramel should be avoided.

This still leaves a lot of foods that are “braces-friendly”, so feel free to load up! Such foods are: turkey and dressing of course, (as long as it is pulled off the bone), all the “fixins” to go along with this like, green beans , creamed corn, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes , deviled eggs, cranberry sauce, lima or butter beans and potato salad. Casseroles are always good, such as, broccoli, squash and green bean. Homemade biscuits or rolls are great too. After the main course, if you have room in your tummy to tame your sweet tooth, fill your plate with some of my favorites like, fudge brownies, homemade chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies, pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, and cakes too.

Try not to stuff yourselves too much and “Happy Thanksgiving” from all of us at Wilson Orthodontics!

-Shannon Hicks, Chairside Assistant

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dr. Wilson's Secret Santa Contest!

Some financial relief just in time for that Christmas Shopping! Dr. Wilson and his Ortho Team have decided to give away a $500 Target gift card on December 22, 2009 to one lucky winner for this holiday season....So how do you win???

CLICK HERE to find out....Have Fun!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

"Name That Tune" Contest Winner

Congratulations to our "Name That Tune" contest winner, Ashley Goddard. She was the proud winner of a Karaoke Machine with iPod dock and monitor. She was able to match the name of our 6 songs to the artist or group that sings them.

We had a fun time "rockin" with our patients the past few months and now it's time for our "Famous Holiday Movie Contest”. The winner of this contest will receive a Sony 7” 16:9 Widescreen portable DVD player! As always, see our bulletin board in our office for the latest contest and rules to play and remember.....HAVE FUN!

-Dr. Wilson and Ortho Team!

Friday, November 13, 2009

What did you do for Halloween?

Halloween may be long gone, but we wanted to share a few fun photos with you from our Halloween celebrations! Check out all the fun costumes that the Wilson Orthodontics team by heading over to the Wilson Orthodontics Facebook Fan Page.

How was your Halloween? What was your costume? Share a photo or a story by becoming a "fan" and leaving a comment!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Welcome To Wilson Orthodontics Video

We recently had a new video made about Wilson Orthodontics, and we wanted to share it with you all! Press the "Play" button to watch the video above, post your comments or share it with a friend!

Have a great weekend,

--Wilson Orthodontics

Friday, October 30, 2009


It's almost Halloween, and we understand sour candy is a part of any Halloween celebration. But while sour candy can be delicious, they are arguably as unhealthy for your teeth as sweet candy. The reason is, sour candies tend to be very acidic, and are capable of burning your cheeks and gums while wearing down the enamel on your teeth.

In 2008, the Minnesota Dental Association released a study which suggested the amount of acid in sour candies may eat away at tooth enamel and cause cavities. We would like to remind you that if you should experience a craving for sour candies on Halloween or in the future, please:

1. Remember to rinse your mouth with water immediately after consuming candy, drink milk, or eat a couple pieces of cheese.
2. Do not brush immediately after consuming sour candy. The candy's acidic nature tends to soften tooth enamel. Brushing your teeth can mean abrading the enamel.
3. Limit the amount of sour candies that you consume on a daily basis. If you do indulge, remember not to suck or chew on sour candies for long periods of time.
If tooth erosion has already begun, ask us about ways to reduce sensitivity and continue to protect your teeth.

Hope this helps! All of us at Wilson Orthodontics wish you a happy and safe Halloween!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An Evening with the Jesters

Come see The Jesters this Friday night at Chattahoochee Country Club...all for a great cause. Glory, Hope & Life is the charity and all the proceeds from this event will be used to improve the lives of individuals in our community who have been touched by cancer. This will be a great time all for a good cause. A limited number of sponsorships are available, so act quickly.

You can download and print the sign-up form here

Thanks and we hope to see you there!

--Dr. Ron Wilson

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Week of Halloween Fun at Wilson Orthodontics

October at Wilson Orthodontics is especially fun! Our staff are all about dressing up and competing to be the first place winner for the Halloween season. Every one of our staff members will be dressing up for one day in each office right before Halloween and our patients will get to vote on who has the best costume and who they like the most! The winner will receive a great gift!

We are having a contest or two and a wonderful donation program for our patients to interact with us on. One of our contests is guessing how many Candy Corn are in our Pumpkin shaped jar. The prize for this fun contest is a spin of our “Wheel-of-Fun.” Patients love the wheel along with its cool prizes!

Finally this Halloween we are having a Candy Buy Back program, where patients can bring in their hard, crunchy, chewy, and gooey candies back, and we will give them 2 tokens per pound! We will be donating the candy to our soldiers and to a local homeless shelter. We want this month to be full of fun, and to give our patients plenty of incentives to take extra good care of their teeth!

Have a spooky and safe Halloween,

-The Wilson Orthodontics Team

Friday, October 16, 2009

Is Invisalign® Really Customized for Each Patient?

Yes, it is, and that’s part of what makes it work. To find out if you are the right candidate for Invisalign treatment, the first thing we do is to take an impression of your teeth as they are now and digitize it. Using special software, we look at the current positioning of your teeth and compare it to the way your teeth should look.

Next we use special software to map out the exact path your teeth will take from the beginning of your treatment to the end. Based on the results, a set of custom aligners are created just for your teeth. Throughout the course of treatment, you will be required to wear these clear, removable aligners one at a time; each one moving your teeth closer and closer to their final, perfectly aligned position. And since the aligners are virtually invisible, nobody around you will even know you are wearing braces!

Dr. Wilson is a certified Invisalign provider
. If you have questions about Invisalign, or would like to find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment, give us a call at 678-971-2461.

Friday, October 9, 2009


My daughter and I moved to North Hall a year ago, and we really love the area. Amber is in the 4th grade at Mount Vernon Elementary School, we have both have been pleased with the teachers and have made many new friends. Recently, we were involved in the ribbon cutting ceremony for the playground restoration and memorial garden at Mount Vernon Elementary in which trees were planted, a bench and plaque were placed on the grounds. The “peace garden” was especially significant to us because, it was dedicated to my step sister, Jessi Hawkins who passed away in September of 2000. Jessi’s senior year at North Hall High School, she was a YMCA counselor for the after school program at Mount Vernon Elementary. She loved children and loved helping them. She was always happy and made everyone smile. We love and miss her dearly.

One of the things my daughter and I love to do is shop! With only a 15 minute drive, we have all kinds of shopping access. I would have to say that Old Navy, Marshall’s, Kohl’s, Belk, and Wal-Mart are our favorite stores. Needless to say, we take care of all our shopping needs right here in Gainesville. After a long day of shopping we then like to go to our favorite place to eat, which is Longstreet Cafe. We love the variety , the food is delicious, and the people are wonderful! (Not to mention it is very reasonable). As for entertainment, we enjoyed visiting the new Francis Meadows Aquatic Center this summer. We had fun going down the water slides, and relaxing in the lazy river. The big indoor pool was great too! We also enjoy cooking out with friends and family and playing volleyball in our own pool.

Now that fall is here we like going to the fall festival at Mount Vernon Elementary and other small town festivals. There is so much for the kids to do. Its fun for the whole family. It is also football season and since we are HUGE Georgia Bulldog fans, we love watching the games and cheering them on to victory. (We sure try anyway) And with that being said…GO DAWGS!!!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

2009 Halloween Candy Buy Back Program at Wilson Orthodontics

This Halloween, Dr. Wilson and his ortho team will be fighting back against tooth decay…all for a great cause. We will buy your Halloween candy back from you in exchange for our tooth tokens which can be cashed in for prizes. Half of all the candy will be sent to our troops in harm’s way to put a smile on their faces! The other half will be go to our local Good News at Noon’s homeless shelter. This is part of Operation Gratitude, be sure to check out their website:!

Candy remains a huge part of Halloween for tens of millions of American kids each year. The National Confectioners Association says 93 percent of children in the United States go trick-or-treating, and the group estimates that Halloween candy sales this year will top $2.26 billion. Candy consumption can lead to tooth decay, broken or chipped teeth, broken or loose appliances/braces, weight gain, etc. Help us help our patients and kids to reduce the amount of candy consumption this Halloween. Candy is not all bad in moderation, but can lead to big problems in excess!

Wilson Orthodontics will host a Candy Buy Back Program for all children in the Gainesville/Hoschton and surrounding areas: Tuesday, November 3rd from 2-6 p.m at our Gainesville Office & Monday, November 2nd from 2-6 p.m. at our Hoschton/Braselton Office. We will be accepting all types of candy including chocolate as long as it is wrapped! Your Halloween candy will be bought for 2 tooth tokens per pound (maximum of 10 pounds per person). *10 tooth tokens (or 5 pounds of candy) will let you spin our “Wheel of Fun” for gift certificates (ex. Blockbuster, iTunes, Starbucks, plus much more!!)

Half of all that pesky unwanted yumminess will be sent to our troops in harm’s way to put a smile on their faces! To create an even bigger smile, write a letter of thanks and bring it with your candy to tell our military heroes how much you appreciate them. Your note could mean the world to a lonely soldier far make from home and we’ll sure they get it and your candy! The other half will go to our local Good News at Noon’s Homeless Shelter.

We thank you ahead of time for helping us make a difference both globally and locally. For more information on our Candy Buy Back program and information about our office…visit us at

Friday, September 25, 2009

A Memorable Patient, By Kelly

This week, Kelly explains a memorable patient at Wilson Orthodontics:

In this field of work you really build a personal relationship with most of your patients because you see them on a regular basis and over a period of a few years. I always will remember this one teenage girl that was a patient in the office, she always had the best time when she came to her appointments and we always look forward to seeing her too.

When it was time to remove her braces she was happy but she cried and just begged me to put them back on, I asked her "why in the world would you want me to do that, you have been waiting for this day for a long time!" She cried and said she wanted them back on because she still wanted to see us! This will always stick with me because we made such a positive impact on her life.

-- Kelly Moore, Chairside Assistant at Wilson Orthodontics

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Orthodontic Insurance, From Linda

During a trip to your dental office your dentist may suggest an orthodontic evaluation for you or your children. You make a call and schedule a complimentary New Patient appointment with Dr. Wilson.

After your evaluation it is time to discuss your finances and your dental insurance benefits. In our office we make sure to verify and know all details of your insurance coverage. You may ask if we are in your dental insurance network? In my 25 years of experience I have found that in orthodontia it is not necessary to use a provider in network. Unlike medical or dental it will pay your benefits whether the provider is in out of network.

Remember if you have any questions regarding your insurance please feel free to give us a call. We will be more than happy to help and will try to answer all your questions. Call our Gainesville office at (678)971-2461 today!

--Linda Boss, Financial Coordinator at Wilson Orthodontics

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Congratulations to Donovan, winner of the summer picture contest!

Congratulations to Donovan Hunter, the winner of our summer picture contest! The most unique picture won 4 tickets to the Braves vs. Phillies baseball game and a parking pass. Donovan turned in a picture of him laying inside of an alligators mouth (not real, of course). We would like to thank all those who participated and the winner of our next contest will receive a signed Matt Ryan/DJ Shockley football! Stay tuned for details!

--Dr. Wilson

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rewards for Good Oral Hygiene at Wilson Orthodontics

Dr. Wilson's office encourages our patients to develop a daily oral care routine by rewarding our patients with tooth tokens. When our patients have good oral hygiene they receive one token. When they have reached ten tokens We have a large wheel on the wall, the patients get to spin the wheel, and can win prizes ranging from gift cards to Target, Starbucks, Blockbuster, or even a chance to win a Nintendo Wii!

Every time a patient goes to their general dentist for a cleaning, We reward them with five tokens. We also explain it is very important that they have at least three cleanings a year while they have their braces on.

To encourage good oral hygiene, Wilson Orthodontics offers a few tips. We tell patients that they must brush under, above, and behind all surfaces of every tooth and bracket while remembering to brush the inside and the outside of both top & bottom gums. Patients are also advised to rinse their mouths very thoroughly after they have finished brushing. They should be sure to check after rinsing, and if their teeth & brackets are not clean & shining....Brush again! We explain that poor brushing can cause permanent damage to teeth, and that proper brushing is vital to oral health.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

What Defines our Practice? Cindy Explains

Orthodontic Consultations is the description that fits Dr. Ron Wilson's office the best. Our office is always trying to provide the best orthodontic care to Hall County and encouraging people from all around to come and see us for our advanced Damon System.

Our offices is not only one of the most advanced offices, but, to the kids its one of the coolest offices! We have one of the fastest braces systems which is the Damon System. Patients that come and visit our office and see our slide show, instantly see the dramatic changes people have experienced with this product. With the serious aspects of our office also come the fun side. The kids and parents not only feel welcomed as soon as they come through the door, but they always feel comfortable and at home in our relaxed waiting area, which is another very strong point in choosing Wilson Orthodontics as your hometown orthodontist.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Community Involvement and Patient Comfort at Wilson Orthodontics, from Debi

Wilson Orthodontics is very actively involved with the community and our patients. Last summer, for example, the entire office was decorated to the theme of "Summer At The Beach!". This included palm trees, beach buckets and shovels, tiki huts, sunglasses and "straw skirts" decorating the brush up area. There was also a "kid-size" plastic golf putter that the younger siblings of our patients still talk about! We also decorate a huge bulletin board with a summer theme and ask for pictures from our patients' vacations or any fun activity. First place winners get four tickets to a Braves game which includes a parking pass.

We also sponsor a coloring contest during Dental Health Month in February, in which the area elementary schools are invited to participate. First, second and third prize winners receive $100.00, $50.00 and $25.00 gift certificates, respectively.

Dr. Wilson also sponsored a very successful golf tournament for the dentists in the Gainesville and Hoschton-Braselton areas at the Hawks Ridge Golf Club in the North Georgia mountains. A fun-filled day was had by all! (Even though none of the scores were divulged!) At another golf event, Dr. Wilson participated in the Falcon's football team charitable golf tournament, for which all donations went to various community and national organizations.

The entire atmosphere at Wilson Orthodontics is geared to patient comfort and enjoyment. The Georgia Bulldog Room in both our Gainesville and Hoschton-Braselton offices is filled with video games, books, magazines and toys for all to enjoy. WiFi is also available for the patient's convenience, and our website at is interesting and informative. In addition, our patients participate in a token program in which good dental and orthodontic practices earn a "spin of the wheel" for prizes and gifts.

Recently, our entire staff took ice cream cakes to all of the area dental offices and interacted with the doctors and their staffs. We also have an annual Christmas Open House with refreshments and appetizers, in order to honor and enjoy the season. So, as you can now tell, we at Wilson Orthodontics enjoy many different activities in order to promote good relationships between ouselves and our patients, as well as the community. Come join us and see for yourselves!

--Debi Gorrell, Front Desk Receptionist

Friday, August 14, 2009

Wilson Orthodontics Around the Web

If you've ever visited us at Wilson Orthodontics, you already know that Dr. Wilson and the rest of the team love connecting with their patients. We love the ability to communicate with all of you online too! Besides our web site and our blog, Wilson Orthodontics is on many other networks too!

* Share a video with us, or watch one of ours on YouTube

* Follow our "tweets" on Twitter

* Become a "fan" of Wilson Orthodontics on Facebook

* View and comment on our photos on MySpace

See you around the web!

--Wilson Orthodontics

Friday, August 7, 2009

Summer Fun with Wilson Orthodontics!

Its summer here at Wilson Orthodontics, a season full of vacations, adventures and great memories. Whether you are headed to a barbeque, a camping trip, or just having fun in the sun, we want to hear about it! Leave a comment on our blog and tell us about your summer!

Happy Travels,

-From Wilson Orthodontics

Friday, July 31, 2009

Dr. Wilson playing golf with the Falcons!

Keeping up with Technology at Wilson Orthodontics

In today's world, technology is always changing. From cars to phones to medical procedures and even orthodontics. Because of the ever changing techniques and procedures we experience in our field, Dr. Wilson is always looking for classes and seminars to go to in order to provide the most up to date reatment possible. He also meets with local dentists on a regular basis to let them know about new procedures for specific problems.

The bracket system that Dr. Wilson uses is called the Damon system. These are self ligating brackets athat are not lik any others on the market. This bracket allows the teeth to move with out a lot of friction on the wire. This allows the teeth to move much faster that traditional brackets and with generally less discomfort.

The wires that we use are just as hi-tech. They are nickle-titanium wires. They have a memory to them. You can actually tie these wires in a knot and when you undo it, it goes back to it's original shape. Since these wires don't like to be in a "roller coaster" type position, the teeth move very quickly. Our office is also computerized. We take digital x-rays & pohots, and all of our charting is done on the computer.

Wilson Orthodontics stays up to date on these things so we can give you the best and highest quality orthodontics treatment. You have worked hard and paid for a beautiful smile. You deserve the best, and that is what we provide at Wilson Orthodontics.

-Sarah Smith, Chairside Assistant at Wilson Orthodontics

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dr. Wilson Is Now On Twitter!

Dr. Ron Wilson and Wilson Orthodontics are now on Twitter! We are tweeting under the name Wilson_Ortho. Follow us! We want to keep you updated on all the latest with our practice as we continue to serve the residents of Hoschton and Gainesville, Georgia.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cheryl from Wilson Orthodontics Explains the Importance of Daily Oral Hygiene

At Wilson Orthodontics, we like to emphasis daily brushing and flossing as essentials to good oral hygiene, especially during orthodontic treatment. Food debris accumulates on teeth and around braces, which turns into plaque( the sticky substance that forms on your teeth-yuck!). Plaque combines with sugars and starches of the foods that we eat producing acids that attack tooth enamel, causing cavities.

Flossing removes food particles and plaque from in between the teeth where a toothbrush just can't reach, and flossing with braces is really easy.

When flossing with braces you need to use a floss threader or stiff ended dental floss, this will help you get the dental floss underneath your archwires. Gently floss up and down between the teeth and around the gum area. Be sure to floss all of your teeth including the back ones.

Now...look in the mirror and smile, because you look GREAT!

--Cheryl, Wilson Orthodontics

Friday, July 10, 2009

Patient Reviews for Dr. Wilson, Orthodontist of Gainesville, GA

Wilson Orthodontics has been receiving some fantastic compliments. Check out some of our favorites!

Brianna and ourselves were very impressed with her visit to Dr. Wilson's office. The staff made us feel very comfortable. Our daughter has had a fear of dentist in the past, and she is just now getting comfortable with going. So our first visit was a great experience for Brianna. Dr. Wilson was great with her also, and made her feel at ease. You all have a beautiful office and a great staff. ~Ricky W.

Easy, convenient, everyone with great customer service skills. In and out very quickly. Even though it was initially a consultation for an old, broken retainer, it was nice to move everything forward and even have the impression done on the 1st visit. Wow things have changed since my last orthodontist appointment in the 80's!! ~ Karen S.

Dr. Wilson took the time to listen and went beyond what was expected in meeting the needs of my children. He and his office staff are very friendly and go the extra mile to welcome you. He also has a fun kid friendly office with a reward system my kids love! ~ Laura B.

The office is very nice and caring. The front staff are very warm and friendly. They make you feel "right at home" when you enter the building. Everyone is genuinely caring and very friendly. Dr. Wilson is also very attentive and demonstrates the same caring attitude that the staff display. Did everyone attend a customer service class? I think you guys should provide customer service classes for other physician offices:) ~ Robert T.

Dr. Wilson is VERY thorough and personable. He reset Taylor's bonded retainers because he was not satisfied with they way the appeared though he said they would have worked just fine. He cares about the quality of his work and that is very important. Thank you! ~ Lynne C.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Linda From Wilson Orthodontics Explains White Spots On Your Teeth

Have you ever seen anyone with white spots on their teeth? Did you wonder what causes them or how they got there? I know I have and so I decided to do some research on this subject. I found that a number of factors can lead to the development of white spots on teeth. Sometimes they are caused by nutrition and can be genetic. They can also appear in connection with a condition called fluorosis, which is the result of having an excessive intake of fluoride. People who live in areas where drinking water contains a high fluoride level often encounter this problem. To find out how much fluoride is in your water, you can call your city’s water department. Some children also develop white spots on their teeth as they are developing. These spots are called Enamel Hyperplasia or Hypo calcification and can be milky white or even yellow in color.

Working in Dr. Wilson’s office I have had patients ask, will I have white spots on my teeth when my braces are removed? Know that braces do not cause white spots on the teeth, that only happens when oral hygiene during braces wear has been inadequate. People with orthodontic braces often have trouble with brushing and the result is a buildup of plaque. The acids in plaque can severely harm tooth enamel and eventually causes cavities. Bacterial plaque accumulating on the teeth will cause white spots around the brackets and becomes apparent when braces are removed. Proper hygiene, good thorough brushing, usually at least 3 time a day, using a special floss threader like the one Dr. Wilson provides to his patients and following with a .05% sodium fluoride mouth rinse at bedtime are all good habits that will help prevent having white spots on teeth when braces are removed. It is always important to follow up with a thorough cleaning at your dental office. If you find white spots are present, your dentist can recommend treatment options. Remember...Healthy Teeth give you a Beautiful Smile!

Linda Boss, Financial Coordinator – Wilson Orthodontics

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Megan from Wilson Orthodontics Explains Enamel

Tooth erosion is the loss of tooth structure caused by the weakening of dental enamel. Dental enamel is the thin, outer layer of hard tissue that helps maintain the tooth's structure and shape. When the enamel weakens, it exposes the tissue that makes up the core of each tooth, causing the teeth to appear yellow. Eating acid-containing foods and drinks such as fruit, pickles, yogurt, honey, and carbonated sodas can cause tooth erosion. Chewing gum can eventually wear down the enamel of the teeth and create cavities. Coffee allows the teeth to slowly thin out, causing those yellow stains. And keep in mind, tooth whitening products with a low overall pH can also put enamel at risk for decay. Eating celery, cheese, onions, mushrooms, and green tea is healthy for your teeth enamel.

Chairside Assistant
Wilson Orthodontics

Friday, June 26, 2009

Kelly from Wilson Orthodontics Talks About Dental Fears

Lots of people talk about dental fears, so we asked Kelly from Wilson Orthodontics to talk about her own experiences.

As a child I was very afraid of going to the dentist like most children and some adults. I never had a bad experience as a child or an adult I guess the fear was just the unknown or not knowing what to expect. I have learned, especially since working in the dental field, that if you take the time and go out of your way to make someone as comfortable as possible and explain in detail what you will be doing along with getting the patients to interact with you in every way possible most dental fears are eased. That's what we do at Wilson Orthodontics.

Chairside Assistant

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Watch Dr. Wilson's Latest Video on the Damon System!

Wilson Orthodontics has a new video about the revolutionary Damon System Braces. Damon System allows shorter treatment times with fewer office visits and less discomfort than traditional braces. Dr. Ron Wilson has a non-extraction and non-surgical approach to braces, and the Damon System allows both of these. Damon System focuses on more than just your teeth, it focuses on your whole smile and facial appearance. Just watch this video to see how.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wilson Orthodontics' Star Patient Brody

Meet Brody C. Brody is a twelve year old patient at Wilson Orthodontics. Brody's smile was sparkling clean when he came walking through our door, so I decided I would ask him just a few questions about his oral hygiene.

What is your name? Brody C.

How old are you? Twelve

What steps do you take to make sure your teeth stay nice and clean? I brush a few times a day, and I rinse when I can.

What is your favorite toothpaste and mouth wash? Colgate and Scope

What is your favorite thing about your orthodontist office?
All of the cool games in the Georgia game room!

Besides taking care of your teeth, what do you do for fun? I like to build cool castles and things with Lego's and I like to play the Drums.

So Brody's a normal young boy and still has time to make sure that his teeth are nice and clean between building cool things and rockin' out on his drums!

Thanks Brody, from Wilson Orthodontics.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Upcoming Event With the Kinchafoonee Cowboys To Support The Good News Clinic

I have been fortunate enough to help out at "The Good News Clinic" in Gainesville, Georgia. This is a clinic where dentist volunteer their time to help the less fortunate in our community. The Good News Clinic is a Christian ministry that provides completely FREE medical, dental, and pharmacy services to people who have no other source for Care. Started in 1992, it is the largest free clinic in Georgia and is funded completely by donations and volunteers from the community. It is open 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday. To qualify, a person must not have any type of insurance, not be eligible for Medicaid or Medicare, and have income no greater than 150% of the federally-defined poverty level.This clinic has a pharmacy and a medical clinic as well.

Recently, most of the general dentists and a few specialists in Hall county have teamed together to raise money for The Good News Clinic by providing professional teeth whitening. The patient simply writes a donation to The Good News Clinic for $250 and we have provided the professional whitening for them. So far we have raised close to $30,000 as a dental community. Another fund raiser that we are doing in August is a concert starring the Kinchafoonee Cowboys (See Event Poster). Tables can be bought for an $800 donation which includes 10 seats. We hope that the Gainesville community and Hall County can come together as a whole and help give to this great cause. Click here to learn more about The Good News Clinic and to become a Good New Clinic fan on facebook.

--Dr. Ron Wilson

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wilson Orthodontics Is Going Green

Going green is on everyone's mind these days. We all need to really do our part to save this wonderful planet for future generations to enjoy as much as we have. It seems that we have turned into a "disposable" society. Everything we have nowadays is thrown away and replaced instead of being repaired if it breaks. Even cleaning products can be used and thrown away, i.e swiffer. What ever happened to washing the dust rag and using it next time?

Well, here at Dr. Wilson's office we are in the process of doing our part to "GO GREEN". All of our charting is now computerized. Which means we have no paper charts which also requires a lot less space for storage. Our x-rays and photographs are digital and computerized as well eliminating the need for toxic chemicals and paper. When we take your impressions, we send them off to be poured and then they are downloaded on the computer. This allows Dr. Wilson to look at the patients teeth from several different angles. It also eliminates the clutter of model boxes everywhere.
We are working hard on reducing our carbon footprint for future generations. Let's all do our part to save Mother Earth!

Sarah Smith, Chairside Assistant