Monday, June 15, 2009

Wilson Orthodontics Is Going Green

Going green is on everyone's mind these days. We all need to really do our part to save this wonderful planet for future generations to enjoy as much as we have. It seems that we have turned into a "disposable" society. Everything we have nowadays is thrown away and replaced instead of being repaired if it breaks. Even cleaning products can be used and thrown away, i.e swiffer. What ever happened to washing the dust rag and using it next time?

Well, here at Dr. Wilson's office we are in the process of doing our part to "GO GREEN". All of our charting is now computerized. Which means we have no paper charts which also requires a lot less space for storage. Our x-rays and photographs are digital and computerized as well eliminating the need for toxic chemicals and paper. When we take your impressions, we send them off to be poured and then they are downloaded on the computer. This allows Dr. Wilson to look at the patients teeth from several different angles. It also eliminates the clutter of model boxes everywhere.
We are working hard on reducing our carbon footprint for future generations. Let's all do our part to save Mother Earth!

Sarah Smith, Chairside Assistant

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