Sunday, June 21, 2009

Upcoming Event With the Kinchafoonee Cowboys To Support The Good News Clinic

I have been fortunate enough to help out at "The Good News Clinic" in Gainesville, Georgia. This is a clinic where dentist volunteer their time to help the less fortunate in our community. The Good News Clinic is a Christian ministry that provides completely FREE medical, dental, and pharmacy services to people who have no other source for Care. Started in 1992, it is the largest free clinic in Georgia and is funded completely by donations and volunteers from the community. It is open 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday. To qualify, a person must not have any type of insurance, not be eligible for Medicaid or Medicare, and have income no greater than 150% of the federally-defined poverty level.This clinic has a pharmacy and a medical clinic as well.

Recently, most of the general dentists and a few specialists in Hall county have teamed together to raise money for The Good News Clinic by providing professional teeth whitening. The patient simply writes a donation to The Good News Clinic for $250 and we have provided the professional whitening for them. So far we have raised close to $30,000 as a dental community. Another fund raiser that we are doing in August is a concert starring the Kinchafoonee Cowboys (See Event Poster). Tables can be bought for an $800 donation which includes 10 seats. We hope that the Gainesville community and Hall County can come together as a whole and help give to this great cause. Click here to learn more about The Good News Clinic and to become a Good New Clinic fan on facebook.

--Dr. Ron Wilson

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