Friday, July 3, 2009

Linda From Wilson Orthodontics Explains White Spots On Your Teeth

Have you ever seen anyone with white spots on their teeth? Did you wonder what causes them or how they got there? I know I have and so I decided to do some research on this subject. I found that a number of factors can lead to the development of white spots on teeth. Sometimes they are caused by nutrition and can be genetic. They can also appear in connection with a condition called fluorosis, which is the result of having an excessive intake of fluoride. People who live in areas where drinking water contains a high fluoride level often encounter this problem. To find out how much fluoride is in your water, you can call your city’s water department. Some children also develop white spots on their teeth as they are developing. These spots are called Enamel Hyperplasia or Hypo calcification and can be milky white or even yellow in color.

Working in Dr. Wilson’s office I have had patients ask, will I have white spots on my teeth when my braces are removed? Know that braces do not cause white spots on the teeth, that only happens when oral hygiene during braces wear has been inadequate. People with orthodontic braces often have trouble with brushing and the result is a buildup of plaque. The acids in plaque can severely harm tooth enamel and eventually causes cavities. Bacterial plaque accumulating on the teeth will cause white spots around the brackets and becomes apparent when braces are removed. Proper hygiene, good thorough brushing, usually at least 3 time a day, using a special floss threader like the one Dr. Wilson provides to his patients and following with a .05% sodium fluoride mouth rinse at bedtime are all good habits that will help prevent having white spots on teeth when braces are removed. It is always important to follow up with a thorough cleaning at your dental office. If you find white spots are present, your dentist can recommend treatment options. Remember...Healthy Teeth give you a Beautiful Smile!

Linda Boss, Financial Coordinator – Wilson Orthodontics

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