Friday, June 26, 2009

Kelly from Wilson Orthodontics Talks About Dental Fears

Lots of people talk about dental fears, so we asked Kelly from Wilson Orthodontics to talk about her own experiences.

As a child I was very afraid of going to the dentist like most children and some adults. I never had a bad experience as a child or an adult I guess the fear was just the unknown or not knowing what to expect. I have learned, especially since working in the dental field, that if you take the time and go out of your way to make someone as comfortable as possible and explain in detail what you will be doing along with getting the patients to interact with you in every way possible most dental fears are eased. That's what we do at Wilson Orthodontics.

Chairside Assistant

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Watch Dr. Wilson's Latest Video on the Damon System!

Wilson Orthodontics has a new video about the revolutionary Damon System Braces. Damon System allows shorter treatment times with fewer office visits and less discomfort than traditional braces. Dr. Ron Wilson has a non-extraction and non-surgical approach to braces, and the Damon System allows both of these. Damon System focuses on more than just your teeth, it focuses on your whole smile and facial appearance. Just watch this video to see how.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wilson Orthodontics' Star Patient Brody

Meet Brody C. Brody is a twelve year old patient at Wilson Orthodontics. Brody's smile was sparkling clean when he came walking through our door, so I decided I would ask him just a few questions about his oral hygiene.

What is your name? Brody C.

How old are you? Twelve

What steps do you take to make sure your teeth stay nice and clean? I brush a few times a day, and I rinse when I can.

What is your favorite toothpaste and mouth wash? Colgate and Scope

What is your favorite thing about your orthodontist office?
All of the cool games in the Georgia game room!

Besides taking care of your teeth, what do you do for fun? I like to build cool castles and things with Lego's and I like to play the Drums.

So Brody's a normal young boy and still has time to make sure that his teeth are nice and clean between building cool things and rockin' out on his drums!

Thanks Brody, from Wilson Orthodontics.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Upcoming Event With the Kinchafoonee Cowboys To Support The Good News Clinic

I have been fortunate enough to help out at "The Good News Clinic" in Gainesville, Georgia. This is a clinic where dentist volunteer their time to help the less fortunate in our community. The Good News Clinic is a Christian ministry that provides completely FREE medical, dental, and pharmacy services to people who have no other source for Care. Started in 1992, it is the largest free clinic in Georgia and is funded completely by donations and volunteers from the community. It is open 8:30-5:00 Monday through Friday. To qualify, a person must not have any type of insurance, not be eligible for Medicaid or Medicare, and have income no greater than 150% of the federally-defined poverty level.This clinic has a pharmacy and a medical clinic as well.

Recently, most of the general dentists and a few specialists in Hall county have teamed together to raise money for The Good News Clinic by providing professional teeth whitening. The patient simply writes a donation to The Good News Clinic for $250 and we have provided the professional whitening for them. So far we have raised close to $30,000 as a dental community. Another fund raiser that we are doing in August is a concert starring the Kinchafoonee Cowboys (See Event Poster). Tables can be bought for an $800 donation which includes 10 seats. We hope that the Gainesville community and Hall County can come together as a whole and help give to this great cause. Click here to learn more about The Good News Clinic and to become a Good New Clinic fan on facebook.

--Dr. Ron Wilson

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wilson Orthodontics Is Going Green

Going green is on everyone's mind these days. We all need to really do our part to save this wonderful planet for future generations to enjoy as much as we have. It seems that we have turned into a "disposable" society. Everything we have nowadays is thrown away and replaced instead of being repaired if it breaks. Even cleaning products can be used and thrown away, i.e swiffer. What ever happened to washing the dust rag and using it next time?

Well, here at Dr. Wilson's office we are in the process of doing our part to "GO GREEN". All of our charting is now computerized. Which means we have no paper charts which also requires a lot less space for storage. Our x-rays and photographs are digital and computerized as well eliminating the need for toxic chemicals and paper. When we take your impressions, we send them off to be poured and then they are downloaded on the computer. This allows Dr. Wilson to look at the patients teeth from several different angles. It also eliminates the clutter of model boxes everywhere.
We are working hard on reducing our carbon footprint for future generations. Let's all do our part to save Mother Earth!

Sarah Smith, Chairside Assistant