Friday, April 3, 2009

How to Keep Your Teeth Healthy -- Wilson Orthodontics

We've got so many questions about our teeth, we asked Kandi, at Dr. Wilson's office, to take some time and explain it all. Here's what she had to say:

The main cause of tooth decay is the sugar that is in the foods and drinks you eat. Water is the best beverage you can drink that is healthiest for your teeth. Anything that has sugar in it, you would want to eat at meal times, that way you can brush your teeth after. If you need a good healthy snack you can have things like whole bread, cheese, crackers, seeds, fruits and vegetables. Avoid mints and hard candies. They tend to be sticky and could get lodged in the grooves of your teeth which can cause cavities. They also could chip your teeth if your not careful biting into them. Any foods with acid such as citric juices or sodas can change the balance of the saliva in the mouth. The acid can attack the enamel structure of the tooth and sugar feeds the cavity-causing bacteria.

Spicy foods and chewing gum can increase the amount of saliva in the mouth.
The increased saliva carries protein that helps break down the sugars that can cause cavities so these can actually be good for your teeth.

After each meal you should brush your teeth and gums with a soft bristle toothbrush. A medium would be OK, but with a soft bristle toothbrush you are less likely to harm your teeth and you can clean them better.

So eat the right foods and always brush and floss to keep your teeth healthy!

Kandi Pope, Treatment Coordinator
Wilson Orthodontics

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