Friday, April 17, 2009

Wilson Orthodontics Shares What To Do In Case of a Dental Emergency!

Yes it's true "April Showers Bring May Flowers;" however, did you know that it also brings "National Facial Protection Month"? The American Association of Orthodontics recommends the "Top 10 ways to Save Face". Notice that the first one is to wear a mouth guard!

Dental injuries are the most common type of injury sustained during sports activities. It is estimated by the American Dental Association that mouth guards prevent approximately 200,000 injuries each year in High School and College football alone!

Should you experience a facial injury and a permanent tooth is knocked out you can pick the tooth up by the crown of the tooth--not the root--and rinse it clean with water or milk; but do not store it in water store it only in milk!

Recent studies have shown that the best chances of saving the tooth is to have it safely and properly placed back into the socket within a window of time between 5 minutes to 1 hour. So you should see your Dentist as soon as you can!

However, if you should knock out a baby tooth, you can leave it out; oh, but don’t forget to put it under your pillow for the Tooth Fairy!

You get one set of permanent teeth, so take care of them!

Have fun, stay active, but be safe and guard your teeth and protect your Smile; especially the one we at Wilson Orthodontics help you create! And if you need a mouth guard, remember we give them to our Wilson Orthodontics patients for free!

--Pam, Orthodontic Assistant

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