Friday, February 6, 2009

Our Patients Are the Best!

We are known as the “Hometown Orthodontist,” and this title couldn’t be truer! It is not uncommon for us to see our patients outside of the practice at any time of the day. Whether it is performing in a high school play, marching at a football game or all painted up in the student section of a basketball game, our patients shine!

Several times I’ve heard someone shout out “there’s my orthodontist lady,” at which time I turn to see a smiling face of someone who I know is benefiting from our orthodontic care. Taking the time to explain that I’m not the orthodontist, just the assistant, gives me an opportunity to interact with my patients and their friends. Connecting with the outside world allows us as a practice to see the bigger picture of how we fit in the picture of their lives.

Chatting with the five patients who recently returned from the Presidential Inauguration, I was reminded of how exciting life can be for a teenager: new perspectives to explore, important decisions to make, and how hard work pays off. One of the students was invited because he entered an essay contest and won the trip to Washington. The other four students were members of a local
marching band. They attended a festival in honor of the inauguration. Our patients consistently remind us as that while some consider braces just another part of growing up; we consider our work as an investment, an investment in the life of a person who matters.

-Sarah Whiting, Orthodontic Technician

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