Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Flossing Tips with Michele at Wilson Orthodontics

Using floss is essential in preventing gum disease and in daily maintaining oral health at large. Using a toothbrush to clean teeth is a wonderful first step in caring for your mouth, but toothbrush bristles cannot reach in between the tight spaces of teeth to effectively remove trapped food and bacteria film. Oral bacteria, left untouched will harden into tartar, a substance that can only be removed by dental professionals.

As these severe (and largely preventable) conditions take place, the early stage of gum disease know as gingivitis can manifest itself in the form of swollen bleeding gum tissue. The decay-causing plaque will not only continue to attach the tooth enamel, but it can also continue to irritate the gums causing them to pull away from the teeth, forming pockets filled with more bacteria and destroying the bone around the teeth altogether. Now there's a lovely image! And to think, effective flossing could have removed that plaque in the beginning.

I recommend Oral-B Floss threaders or Crest Glide. You can use the floss threaders to help you guide your floss, which makes things easier, especially when you are in orthodontic treatment. Using a Water Pic or a Bryton Pic can also be very helpful. While flossing may be a nuisance, Try to at least floss once a day. It's better than the alternative: losing your teeth!

--Michele Bellew, Chairside Assistant at Wilson Orthodontics

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sports and Summer Activity Safety With Wilson Orthodontics

With warm weather and longer days, many of our patients will be involved in summertime sports and activities. Knowing how to keep your teeth safe if very important while participating in these things.

If you should get hit in the mouth and a tooth gets knocked out, the first thing you want to do is either put it back in place, put in under your tongue, or put it in a glass of milk. Call your dentist or go to the emergency room.

Protecting your teeth with a mouth guard is highly recommended while playing any sports. Should I wear one if I have braces or any type of appliance on? Absolutely! Not only will it help protect your appliance, but the inside of your mouth as well.

Be sure to drink plenty of water so you will stay hydrated, and try to stay away from sports drinks due to the sugar content.

Have fun and play safe!

-Margie Boyd, Receptionist at Wilson Orthodontics

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Putting Patients at Ease at Wilson Orthodontics

We have so much in the way of fun for our patients as well as some extras for parents. In the very near future we are going to began the second phase of remodeling our Gainesville office. We are adding a internet cafe, larger game room, and also a day spa for Mom's to have a manicure or pedicure while the child is here for their appointment or they are also welcome to use the service at anytime...all the proceeds will go directly to a charity or school of their choice!

We still have the token awards program which encourages the patient to keep their teeth clean and appliances intact. We have a contest of some sort going on at all times. At this time we have a summer photo contest "Where in the world are our patients?" in order to win the GRAND PRIZE!! which is a iPAD!! you upload your best summer vacation smile photo to and have all your friends and family vote for you! We have just completed our video contest and gave away Flip Mino video camera. We enjoy giving and making SMILES!

--From Cheryl Poole, Front Desk Receptionist at Wilson Orthodontics

Friday, June 4, 2010

Going Green At Wilson Orthodontics

Dr. Wilson and his staff are big advocates of going green. We recycle, reduce and reuse everything we can. Check out what Linda, our Financial Coordinator, had to say about the sustainable and green practices here at Wilson Orthodontics:

Dr. Wilson started his practice January 2006 and by January 2007 we were on our way to being a paperless office. We scanned all charts and continue to scan and shred all paperwork. As the financial coordinator for Dr. Wilson I file our insurance electronically which saves quite a bit of paper and time. As I mentioned before after scanning we shred all material and information. We abide by HIPPA regulations and confidentiality is of up most importance.

We practice recycling as well by using all non-patient and non-confidential papers for scratch paper. It really is amazing how much paper is used in a single work day for any office!

Did someone ask if we offer digital x-rays? Yes, in fact we do. They are much clearer and can be emailed to your general dentist or oral surgeon's office within minutes. By using digital x-ray there is no paper or chemicals used for developing.

Thanks to Dr. Wilson our office is more environmentally friendly and Yes, Going Green!

-Linda Boss, Financial Coordinator

Friday, May 28, 2010

Where in the World are Our Patients? - Summer Photo Contest

Summer is finally here! So, pack your bags & your CAMERA for your vacation destination. While you are there, be sure to take a picture in your vacation spot (with a big smile of course!) and then upload it on our site ( for a chance to win some cool prizes! Dr. Wilson and our Ortho Team encourage everyone to HAVE FUN this summer and upload your favorite picture!

Here's how it works:

1. Upload your best summer smile photo - be creative! The location must be added to the title to qualify for the furthest location prize
2. Get everyone you know to vote for you!
3. The most votes wins the Grand Prize! All others will be picked by a panel of judges.

Take Your Best Picture to Win One of These Great Prizes!

Most Votes: Apple iPad 16gb

Most Creative: Sony Dash

Most Adventurous: Digital Photo Frame

Furthest Location: Digital Photo Viewer

Visit for more information, and GOOD LUCK!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Video Contest Results at Wilson Orthodontics

Congratulations to the winners for the Wilson Orthodontics' Video Contest, and thank you to everyone for their participation:
1st place (Flip Mino HD): If You Choose Wilson Orthodontics You Won't Be Sorry by Claire Stephens

2nd place ($100 Best Buy Gift Certificate): How to Take Care of Your Braces by Morgan Helton

3rd place (...$50 Best Buy Gift Certificate): Dr. Wilson is the Bomb Diggedy, Yo! by Maggie Reeves and kids

While the video contest is over, we are excited to announce our next contest, the "Where in the World Are Our Patients?" Photo Contest. We are asking patients to submit their best summer photo for a chance to win one of four amazing prizes, including the grand prize: a 16gb Apple iPad! You can enter on our contest page, and stay tuned for more details and announcements on our Facebook page as well!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Shannon's Experience with Orthodontics

Shannon Hicks, Chairside Assistant at Wilson Orthodontics wanted to share her personal experience with braces as a child, check them out below!

I remember when I was told I needed braces, I was 11 years old. I was so excited because many of my friends had them. I only had to wear them for 1 year. I did not mind them at all . I did not have any trouble with them and was not too sore either. The orthodontic assistants were very informative and explained everything to me before they started. This made me very comfortable and eager to go to my appointments.

My advice to anyone who is contemplating starting their treatment in braces is simply GO FOR IT . YOU WILL BE SO GLAD YOU DID ! There is no need to feel uneasy and nervous. It's really not bad. To go through treatment and see the changes are absolutely amazing! It happens so fast and believe me, the end result is awesome!!! You will be smiling forever! I promise!

Tell us about your experience with braces, and how they have changed your life...leave a comment on our blog or our Facebook page!