Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Putting Patients at Ease at Wilson Orthodontics

We have so much in the way of fun for our patients as well as some extras for parents. In the very near future we are going to began the second phase of remodeling our Gainesville office. We are adding a internet cafe, larger game room, and also a day spa for Mom's to have a manicure or pedicure while the child is here for their appointment or they are also welcome to use the service at anytime...all the proceeds will go directly to a charity or school of their choice!

We still have the token awards program which encourages the patient to keep their teeth clean and appliances intact. We have a contest of some sort going on at all times. At this time we have a summer photo contest "Where in the world are our patients?" in order to win the GRAND PRIZE!! which is a iPAD!! you upload your best summer vacation smile photo to contest.wilsonbraces.com and have all your friends and family vote for you! We have just completed our video contest and gave away Flip Mino video camera. We enjoy giving and making SMILES!

--From Cheryl Poole, Front Desk Receptionist at Wilson Orthodontics

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