Friday, June 4, 2010

Going Green At Wilson Orthodontics

Dr. Wilson and his staff are big advocates of going green. We recycle, reduce and reuse everything we can. Check out what Linda, our Financial Coordinator, had to say about the sustainable and green practices here at Wilson Orthodontics:

Dr. Wilson started his practice January 2006 and by January 2007 we were on our way to being a paperless office. We scanned all charts and continue to scan and shred all paperwork. As the financial coordinator for Dr. Wilson I file our insurance electronically which saves quite a bit of paper and time. As I mentioned before after scanning we shred all material and information. We abide by HIPPA regulations and confidentiality is of up most importance.

We practice recycling as well by using all non-patient and non-confidential papers for scratch paper. It really is amazing how much paper is used in a single work day for any office!

Did someone ask if we offer digital x-rays? Yes, in fact we do. They are much clearer and can be emailed to your general dentist or oral surgeon's office within minutes. By using digital x-ray there is no paper or chemicals used for developing.

Thanks to Dr. Wilson our office is more environmentally friendly and Yes, Going Green!

-Linda Boss, Financial Coordinator

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