Friday, May 7, 2010

Current Contests at Wilson Orthodontics

Our office is currently holding a couple of great contests for all our patients, and Jessica, Records Coordinator here at Wilson Orthodontics, wanted to share the details with you:

Our first contest is " Wilson Orthodontics' Create-A-Video Contest". Create a 30 seconds - 2 minutes long video on caring for your braces, favorite thing about visiting Wilson Orthodontics and their favorite friendly food. The patient with the most votes and most creative will a Flip Mino HD video camera. most informative- $ 50.00 Gift card. Best mention Damon system- $ 100.00 Gift card. There are only two days left to enter this contest, so be sure to check out the details and enter soon!

Our other contest is " Wilson Orthodontics American Idol". We give out a questionnaire with some American Idol questions. If the patient answers all questions correctly they are entered into a drawing where they can win a iPod shuffle & $25.00 gift card to iTunes.

For more information about these exciting contests and other news in the office, visit our Facebook page, or stop by the office!

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