Friday, May 28, 2010

Where in the World are Our Patients? - Summer Photo Contest

Summer is finally here! So, pack your bags & your CAMERA for your vacation destination. While you are there, be sure to take a picture in your vacation spot (with a big smile of course!) and then upload it on our site ( for a chance to win some cool prizes! Dr. Wilson and our Ortho Team encourage everyone to HAVE FUN this summer and upload your favorite picture!

Here's how it works:

1. Upload your best summer smile photo - be creative! The location must be added to the title to qualify for the furthest location prize
2. Get everyone you know to vote for you!
3. The most votes wins the Grand Prize! All others will be picked by a panel of judges.

Take Your Best Picture to Win One of These Great Prizes!

Most Votes: Apple iPad 16gb

Most Creative: Sony Dash

Most Adventurous: Digital Photo Frame

Furthest Location: Digital Photo Viewer

Visit for more information, and GOOD LUCK!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Video Contest Results at Wilson Orthodontics

Congratulations to the winners for the Wilson Orthodontics' Video Contest, and thank you to everyone for their participation:
1st place (Flip Mino HD): If You Choose Wilson Orthodontics You Won't Be Sorry by Claire Stephens

2nd place ($100 Best Buy Gift Certificate): How to Take Care of Your Braces by Morgan Helton

3rd place (...$50 Best Buy Gift Certificate): Dr. Wilson is the Bomb Diggedy, Yo! by Maggie Reeves and kids

While the video contest is over, we are excited to announce our next contest, the "Where in the World Are Our Patients?" Photo Contest. We are asking patients to submit their best summer photo for a chance to win one of four amazing prizes, including the grand prize: a 16gb Apple iPad! You can enter on our contest page, and stay tuned for more details and announcements on our Facebook page as well!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Shannon's Experience with Orthodontics

Shannon Hicks, Chairside Assistant at Wilson Orthodontics wanted to share her personal experience with braces as a child, check them out below!

I remember when I was told I needed braces, I was 11 years old. I was so excited because many of my friends had them. I only had to wear them for 1 year. I did not mind them at all . I did not have any trouble with them and was not too sore either. The orthodontic assistants were very informative and explained everything to me before they started. This made me very comfortable and eager to go to my appointments.

My advice to anyone who is contemplating starting their treatment in braces is simply GO FOR IT . YOU WILL BE SO GLAD YOU DID ! There is no need to feel uneasy and nervous. It's really not bad. To go through treatment and see the changes are absolutely amazing! It happens so fast and believe me, the end result is awesome!!! You will be smiling forever! I promise!

Tell us about your experience with braces, and how they have changed your life...leave a comment on our blog or our Facebook page!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Current Contests at Wilson Orthodontics

Our office is currently holding a couple of great contests for all our patients, and Jessica, Records Coordinator here at Wilson Orthodontics, wanted to share the details with you:

Our first contest is " Wilson Orthodontics' Create-A-Video Contest". Create a 30 seconds - 2 minutes long video on caring for your braces, favorite thing about visiting Wilson Orthodontics and their favorite friendly food. The patient with the most votes and most creative will a Flip Mino HD video camera. most informative- $ 50.00 Gift card. Best mention Damon system- $ 100.00 Gift card. There are only two days left to enter this contest, so be sure to check out the details and enter soon!

Our other contest is " Wilson Orthodontics American Idol". We give out a questionnaire with some American Idol questions. If the patient answers all questions correctly they are entered into a drawing where they can win a iPod shuffle & $25.00 gift card to iTunes.

For more information about these exciting contests and other news in the office, visit our Facebook page, or stop by the office!