Friday, February 26, 2010

The 2010 Damon Forum and the new Damon Clear Brackets at Wilson Orthodontics!

Dr. Wilson is returning home from the Damon Forum from this past weekend. This is an annual conference where all the Damon bracket users get together and talk about the latest advancements in orthodontics. This year, Dwight Damon (the inventor of the Damon Bracket System), has released the NEW Damon Clear Bracket. Head to our Facebook Fan Page to check out the photos (Damon Clear Photo Album) of patients with these new brackets, and see if you can tell if they are wearing braces!

Finally, we have the same high level of quality orthodontic treatment in a bracket that you can't even see. This is truly one of the biggest advancements in orthodontic technology that has really started to take our practice over. We have just received this technology in our office and we have already given 8 of our patients the "Damon Clear" smile!...and we have dozens of more signed up. Call us today to find out how you can receive the smile you have always wanted....NOW WITHOUT ANYONE EVER KNOWING!!!

-Dr. Wilson and Ortho Team

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