Friday, March 20, 2009

Fun Facts About Fluoride from Wilson Orthodontics

We always get questions about fluoride at Wilson Orthodontics, so we asked Megan to answer!

Everyone benefits from using fluoride. Fluoride works by preventing the tooth decay process. It keeps the tooth enamel strong and helps prevent the loss of important minerals from the tooth enamel. The frequent use of Fluoride in small amounts will help adults and children live cavity-free. Fluoride works best from toothpaste containing fluoride, fluoride rinses, and/or fluoridated water twice a day. Colgate Fluorigard is one type of over the counter fluoride rinse. Although Fluoride can be very beneficial; it can be harmful with excessive intake. Dental fluorosis can occur if a child over uses fluoride between the ages of 1-4. (Intake of an overload of fluoride supplements, fluoridated drinking water, or possibly fluoride in a child's diet). Dental fluorosis can also leave stains on the teeth that can range in color from white,black,and brown.

--Fluoride is the only chemical added to drinking water for the purpose of medication to prevent tooth decay.
--Fluoride is used to help resist acid, strengthen teeth, and block bacteria from causing decay.
--Dentists can offer fluoride applied to the teeth using a foam,varnish or gel. These treatments contain a much higher level of fluoride than the amount found in toothpastes and mouth rinses.

-Megan E.

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