Friday, January 29, 2010

Brushing with Braces Tips, from our Patients!

Brushing your teeth and flossing daily are important to keep your teeth healthy during orthodontic care, so we asked a few of our patients how they keep their braces clean.

Abby S.

I brush morning and night with Crest Pro-Health and a electric toothbrush. I use toothpicks when something is caught in my braces. It isn't hard keeping my braces clean, especially not as hard as everyone said it was going to be.

Keri M.

Having braces is more complex than it sounds but you need to keep them clean. Even though I've had braces a while it's not as bad as it sounds. I've kept them clean and they will straighten my smile.

Courtney N.

Brushing with braces is pretty easy. I just always take special time to focus on the brackets. Also another thing is that my dentist told me to do is brush my gums along with my teeth. Flossing sometimes proves tricky but you get the hang of it.

Kayla W.

I brush and floss my teeth 3 times a day. It is very important to keep my teeth clean because I don't want to have spots on my teeth when I get them off and the assistants are very good at telling me everytime to wear my rubber bands and to keep my teeth clean because I want to have a picture perfect smile! "It's real easy!"

-The Wilson Orthodontics Team

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