Friday, September 25, 2009

A Memorable Patient, By Kelly

This week, Kelly explains a memorable patient at Wilson Orthodontics:

In this field of work you really build a personal relationship with most of your patients because you see them on a regular basis and over a period of a few years. I always will remember this one teenage girl that was a patient in the office, she always had the best time when she came to her appointments and we always look forward to seeing her too.

When it was time to remove her braces she was happy but she cried and just begged me to put them back on, I asked her "why in the world would you want me to do that, you have been waiting for this day for a long time!" She cried and said she wanted them back on because she still wanted to see us! This will always stick with me because we made such a positive impact on her life.

-- Kelly Moore, Chairside Assistant at Wilson Orthodontics

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Orthodontic Insurance, From Linda

During a trip to your dental office your dentist may suggest an orthodontic evaluation for you or your children. You make a call and schedule a complimentary New Patient appointment with Dr. Wilson.

After your evaluation it is time to discuss your finances and your dental insurance benefits. In our office we make sure to verify and know all details of your insurance coverage. You may ask if we are in your dental insurance network? In my 25 years of experience I have found that in orthodontia it is not necessary to use a provider in network. Unlike medical or dental it will pay your benefits whether the provider is in out of network.

Remember if you have any questions regarding your insurance please feel free to give us a call. We will be more than happy to help and will try to answer all your questions. Call our Gainesville office at (678)971-2461 today!

--Linda Boss, Financial Coordinator at Wilson Orthodontics

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Congratulations to Donovan, winner of the summer picture contest!

Congratulations to Donovan Hunter, the winner of our summer picture contest! The most unique picture won 4 tickets to the Braves vs. Phillies baseball game and a parking pass. Donovan turned in a picture of him laying inside of an alligators mouth (not real, of course). We would like to thank all those who participated and the winner of our next contest will receive a signed Matt Ryan/DJ Shockley football! Stay tuned for details!

--Dr. Wilson

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rewards for Good Oral Hygiene at Wilson Orthodontics

Dr. Wilson's office encourages our patients to develop a daily oral care routine by rewarding our patients with tooth tokens. When our patients have good oral hygiene they receive one token. When they have reached ten tokens We have a large wheel on the wall, the patients get to spin the wheel, and can win prizes ranging from gift cards to Target, Starbucks, Blockbuster, or even a chance to win a Nintendo Wii!

Every time a patient goes to their general dentist for a cleaning, We reward them with five tokens. We also explain it is very important that they have at least three cleanings a year while they have their braces on.

To encourage good oral hygiene, Wilson Orthodontics offers a few tips. We tell patients that they must brush under, above, and behind all surfaces of every tooth and bracket while remembering to brush the inside and the outside of both top & bottom gums. Patients are also advised to rinse their mouths very thoroughly after they have finished brushing. They should be sure to check after rinsing, and if their teeth & brackets are not clean & shining....Brush again! We explain that poor brushing can cause permanent damage to teeth, and that proper brushing is vital to oral health.