Friday, January 23, 2009

Looking Back on 2008 - Wilson Orthodontics

Another year has passed and many changes have been made here at Wilson Orthodontics. The 2009 year has started off with a bang! We have finally taken down the caution tape and our remodeling is complete. This year we are introducing a new version of Wilson Orthodontics by replacing our paper charting system with a new technologically advanced paperless digital system. This new system requires a computer at every patient’s chair and in every room; and, with this system all of the information you need is only a few clicks away.

Along with our new “High-Tech” computer systems, we are also rebranding our practice as “Your Hometown Orthodontist!” Our office, though now more modern, still gives off a home-like feel. We have given the office more livelihoods with a little color here and there and a few television sets to make your wait a little more comfortable. To make things even more exciting, we will soon have PSPs for our patients to use at each chair. We’re really thinking of everything to make you feel welcome and right at home!

Looking back at 2008 there are so many things that should be mentioned; we tried out some new ideas to liven up the office and give the staff something to have fun with and enjoy while being at work. We had a Halloween Costume Contest and allowed the patients who came in to vote on the employee with the best costume. Sarah Whiting (dressed as a Rodeo Clown) and Cindy Briscoe (a life-size bag of M&M’s) won the contest and were given a pampering prize at a local spa. We also kept a tradition going with our annual Christmas open house. This past year’s open house was the largest we have had so far and it was a great success.

Our office would not be much without the wonderful patients that we are blessed to work with. In 2008 we had some patients that had great starts and even more with great finishes. Last year we had a local celebrity visit Gainesville, Martha Zoller and her daughter Suzanne both finished treatment with us and they both came out with fantastic smiles. We have had a great 2008 looking back, and we are now looking forward to an even better 2009. Stop by and see your hometown orthodontist!

-Cindy Briscoe, Records Coordinator

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