Friday, April 30, 2010

Relationships Matter at Wilson Orthodontics

In our office, not only do we want to create a great smile for our patients, but we also want to give a great chair-side manner as well. We want patients to feel like they personally matter.

As professionals, we expect certain things out of our patients such as maintaining good oral hygiene throughout treatment as well as compliance. These things are essential for a spectacular end result. There are certain qualities that make for a great patient, and they include being excited about treatment, getting regular cleanings with their general Dentist, having good hygiene at each visit and being compliant with elastic wear if needed to complete treatment. Also, taking care of their braces and only eating braces friendly food makes for a great orthodontic experience.

Patients can improve the way they approach treatment by having a good attitude about starting their journey in braces and continuing the excitement during treatment. If we can educate patients in orthodontics and why we are treating them, they will have more of an understanding and will hopefully be just a excited about it as we are.

As for doctor-patient relationships, I think they can improve by making sure they have an understanding about their treatment. When we approach the patients, we greet them by calling them by their first name and simply talking to them just a few minutes during their appointment by asking them what their hobbies and interests are. When we are on a personal level, the patient feels very comfortable and they leave by feeling they were truly treated at a full 100% and had a great experience.

--Shannon Hicks, Chairside Assistant at Wilson Orthodontics

Friday, April 23, 2010

Reminder: Video Contest Almost Over, Get Your Entries In Soon!

We have been receiving some great video contest entries, and we wanted to remind everyone that the contest ends in one week, so there is not much time left to enter! We are offering some very cool prizes, including a Flip Mino HD camera, and gift cards to Best Buy! Check out the latest entries below, and then head to our Contest page to learn how to make your own video entry! Good luck!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Our Teenage Patients Describe a Fun, Relaxing Environment at Wilson Orthodontics

At Wilson Orthodontics, we see patients of all ages for their orthodontic care. For either adults, teens or children, the Gainesville and Hoschton communities trust Wilson Orthodontics as their "Hometown Orthodontist"! Check out this video where a few of our teenage patients explain why they enjoy visiting Dr. Wilson and his team. We strive to offer a fun, relaxing environment for our patients and their families, call us today to schedule your free consultation, and see for yourself!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Adult Orthodontics in Gainesville, GA - A Patient Testimonial

Are braces for me? Why are so many adults getting braces today? The American Association of Orthodontists states that about 20% of the people in braces today are adults. We've made this video to showcase exactly why our adult patients love getting braces!

Orthodontic treatment with Dr. Wilson can be successful at any age, and adults especially appreciate the benefits of a beautiful smile.

If you’ve been thinking about getting that perfect smile, We would love to have you visit for a consultation. Please give us a call to set one up!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Wilson Orthodontics: What Our Patients Say About Us

Hear what our patients are saying about us! We love our patients and we do everything we can to make sure they have a good experience as well as a GREAT smile. Just listen to Rhonda and Dani Lacko as they describe their orthodontic experience with Dr. Wilson and the team!