Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Another Exciting Contest at Wilson Orthodontics

Dust off those video cameras, and keep a close eye on our Facebook Fan page in the coming weeks, as we are planning another exciting new contest! We will be providing more information soon, but for now, head over to our fan page, become a fan, and post your best guess of what our new contest will be!

If you become a fan of our page on Facebook, you can easily check for updates on this contest and future events, and will get updates automatically! If you don't already have Facebook, create a profile today! its easy, and it is one of the best ways to connect with Dr. Wilson and team online!

All of us at Wilson Orthodontics want to wish you a safe and happy new year!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays from Wilson Orthodontics

The holiday season is upon us, and as our team reflects on the year that was, we’d like to ask you, our wonderful patients: What’s your favorite part about
the holidays? Being with your loved ones? A clean slate for the new year? Opening presents? All the delicious food?

We’d love if you shared with us all the things you love about the holidays, and don’t forget to stay away from too many of those sweets!

--Dr. Wilson and the ortho team

Friday, December 18, 2009

A Season of Giving : By Pam Cole

Our office loves this time of year for so many reasons. We are all reminded of the importance of friends and family both personal and professional. We love to make someone smile just because of something we said, did, or gave. Here are just a few of the things we do this time of year that have come to mean so much to us at Wilson Orthodontics. We host a yearly Christmas party and invite all dental offices in the area along with other local businesses. This is a great way to see each other face to face. During the party we have giveaways along with good food and great conversation.

Before the holiday seasons started we sent to patients a “Wilson Stimulus Check” , offering a $350.00 discount toward the treatment fee. We sent them out to patients that had come in our office before and were waiting for one reason or another to start treatment. This gave them a great opportunity to get started now, and we had a GREAT response to them.

Several of the Gainesville/Hoschton area’s largest subdivisions hosted “Health Fairs” in their club houses. Practices in the area had booths set up with information about their offices and some goodies to give away too. We had a bright, inviting booth with balloons, and offered a free first time visit with x-rays to attendees. We also gave away free Wilson Orthodontic goodies, including cozies, cups, mouse pads and t-shirts. This was a great way to get to know the businesses in the area and do some great networking.

Our practice is known for being very generous, especially during this time of year. We feel that bringing a smile to someone’s face before we even start orthodontic treatment on is a fantastic start to a great experience here at Wilson Orthodontics.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

No More "FLIPPERS"!!!

At Wilson Orthodontics, we are always on the cutting edge of technology! We now have a conservative option available for our patients who are congenitally missing lateral incisors....NO MORE "FLIPPERS"!!! Here is the way we would traditionally treat our patients with a flipper...notice the wires and acrylic in the roof of the mouth:

Traditionally when our patients are missing 1 or 2 lateral incisors, the braces would be removed in their early teens and they can't get an implant until late teens. This is because the upper bone structures are still growing and an implant fuses to the bone and doesn't grow with it. NOW, we have a TAD (Temporary Anchorage Device) called the VectorTAS system that we can put in the space of the missing tooth until the patient is ready for the final implant restoration. This TAD doesn't fuse to the bone allowing normal bone growth. The best part about it is that the patient doesn't have to wear a "flipper" or removable retainer with a false tooth on it through their high school years...and a removable tooth can be devastating to a high-schooler! Check out the pictures below with the TAD in place and it restored with a professionally made temporary:


The best part about this temporary and the MAIN reason we are offering these now as an option is that the TAD maintains the bone width. So when it is time for the final implant restoration, there is solid, healthy bone available for the implant. So many times before, we have seen that are patients are ready for the implant and there is not enough bone available. This gets into thousands of dollars for a bone graft that should not be necessary. Also, the gingival margins (gums, papilla, etc.) look great once the final implant crown has been restored!

For more information on this latest technology or to see if this is right for you, schedule a complimentary consultation to find out your options.

Dr. Ron Wilson and Ortho Team!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Dr. Wilson!

The whole team at Wilson Orthodontics wanted to wish our orthodontist, Dr. Ron Wilson, a very happy birthday today, and to thank everyone for the birthday wishes on Facebook too!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Clear Braces are Here!

We are excited to announce that new Damon Clear brackets and Invisalign Teen are now available at Wilson Orthodontics! Have you ever wanted to improve your smile, but don't want everyone to know you are in braces? Now you can, with Damon Clear and Invisalign Teen!

Call our office today at 678-971-2461 to learn more!