Friday, October 30, 2009


It's almost Halloween, and we understand sour candy is a part of any Halloween celebration. But while sour candy can be delicious, they are arguably as unhealthy for your teeth as sweet candy. The reason is, sour candies tend to be very acidic, and are capable of burning your cheeks and gums while wearing down the enamel on your teeth.

In 2008, the Minnesota Dental Association released a study which suggested the amount of acid in sour candies may eat away at tooth enamel and cause cavities. We would like to remind you that if you should experience a craving for sour candies on Halloween or in the future, please:

1. Remember to rinse your mouth with water immediately after consuming candy, drink milk, or eat a couple pieces of cheese.
2. Do not brush immediately after consuming sour candy. The candy's acidic nature tends to soften tooth enamel. Brushing your teeth can mean abrading the enamel.
3. Limit the amount of sour candies that you consume on a daily basis. If you do indulge, remember not to suck or chew on sour candies for long periods of time.
If tooth erosion has already begun, ask us about ways to reduce sensitivity and continue to protect your teeth.

Hope this helps! All of us at Wilson Orthodontics wish you a happy and safe Halloween!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An Evening with the Jesters

Come see The Jesters this Friday night at Chattahoochee Country Club...all for a great cause. Glory, Hope & Life is the charity and all the proceeds from this event will be used to improve the lives of individuals in our community who have been touched by cancer. This will be a great time all for a good cause. A limited number of sponsorships are available, so act quickly.

You can download and print the sign-up form here

Thanks and we hope to see you there!

--Dr. Ron Wilson

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Week of Halloween Fun at Wilson Orthodontics

October at Wilson Orthodontics is especially fun! Our staff are all about dressing up and competing to be the first place winner for the Halloween season. Every one of our staff members will be dressing up for one day in each office right before Halloween and our patients will get to vote on who has the best costume and who they like the most! The winner will receive a great gift!

We are having a contest or two and a wonderful donation program for our patients to interact with us on. One of our contests is guessing how many Candy Corn are in our Pumpkin shaped jar. The prize for this fun contest is a spin of our “Wheel-of-Fun.” Patients love the wheel along with its cool prizes!

Finally this Halloween we are having a Candy Buy Back program, where patients can bring in their hard, crunchy, chewy, and gooey candies back, and we will give them 2 tokens per pound! We will be donating the candy to our soldiers and to a local homeless shelter. We want this month to be full of fun, and to give our patients plenty of incentives to take extra good care of their teeth!

Have a spooky and safe Halloween,

-The Wilson Orthodontics Team

Friday, October 16, 2009

Is Invisalign® Really Customized for Each Patient?

Yes, it is, and that’s part of what makes it work. To find out if you are the right candidate for Invisalign treatment, the first thing we do is to take an impression of your teeth as they are now and digitize it. Using special software, we look at the current positioning of your teeth and compare it to the way your teeth should look.

Next we use special software to map out the exact path your teeth will take from the beginning of your treatment to the end. Based on the results, a set of custom aligners are created just for your teeth. Throughout the course of treatment, you will be required to wear these clear, removable aligners one at a time; each one moving your teeth closer and closer to their final, perfectly aligned position. And since the aligners are virtually invisible, nobody around you will even know you are wearing braces!

Dr. Wilson is a certified Invisalign provider
. If you have questions about Invisalign, or would like to find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment, give us a call at 678-971-2461.

Friday, October 9, 2009


My daughter and I moved to North Hall a year ago, and we really love the area. Amber is in the 4th grade at Mount Vernon Elementary School, we have both have been pleased with the teachers and have made many new friends. Recently, we were involved in the ribbon cutting ceremony for the playground restoration and memorial garden at Mount Vernon Elementary in which trees were planted, a bench and plaque were placed on the grounds. The “peace garden” was especially significant to us because, it was dedicated to my step sister, Jessi Hawkins who passed away in September of 2000. Jessi’s senior year at North Hall High School, she was a YMCA counselor for the after school program at Mount Vernon Elementary. She loved children and loved helping them. She was always happy and made everyone smile. We love and miss her dearly.

One of the things my daughter and I love to do is shop! With only a 15 minute drive, we have all kinds of shopping access. I would have to say that Old Navy, Marshall’s, Kohl’s, Belk, and Wal-Mart are our favorite stores. Needless to say, we take care of all our shopping needs right here in Gainesville. After a long day of shopping we then like to go to our favorite place to eat, which is Longstreet Cafe. We love the variety , the food is delicious, and the people are wonderful! (Not to mention it is very reasonable). As for entertainment, we enjoyed visiting the new Francis Meadows Aquatic Center this summer. We had fun going down the water slides, and relaxing in the lazy river. The big indoor pool was great too! We also enjoy cooking out with friends and family and playing volleyball in our own pool.

Now that fall is here we like going to the fall festival at Mount Vernon Elementary and other small town festivals. There is so much for the kids to do. Its fun for the whole family. It is also football season and since we are HUGE Georgia Bulldog fans, we love watching the games and cheering them on to victory. (We sure try anyway) And with that being said…GO DAWGS!!!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

2009 Halloween Candy Buy Back Program at Wilson Orthodontics

This Halloween, Dr. Wilson and his ortho team will be fighting back against tooth decay…all for a great cause. We will buy your Halloween candy back from you in exchange for our tooth tokens which can be cashed in for prizes. Half of all the candy will be sent to our troops in harm’s way to put a smile on their faces! The other half will be go to our local Good News at Noon’s homeless shelter. This is part of Operation Gratitude, be sure to check out their website:!

Candy remains a huge part of Halloween for tens of millions of American kids each year. The National Confectioners Association says 93 percent of children in the United States go trick-or-treating, and the group estimates that Halloween candy sales this year will top $2.26 billion. Candy consumption can lead to tooth decay, broken or chipped teeth, broken or loose appliances/braces, weight gain, etc. Help us help our patients and kids to reduce the amount of candy consumption this Halloween. Candy is not all bad in moderation, but can lead to big problems in excess!

Wilson Orthodontics will host a Candy Buy Back Program for all children in the Gainesville/Hoschton and surrounding areas: Tuesday, November 3rd from 2-6 p.m at our Gainesville Office & Monday, November 2nd from 2-6 p.m. at our Hoschton/Braselton Office. We will be accepting all types of candy including chocolate as long as it is wrapped! Your Halloween candy will be bought for 2 tooth tokens per pound (maximum of 10 pounds per person). *10 tooth tokens (or 5 pounds of candy) will let you spin our “Wheel of Fun” for gift certificates (ex. Blockbuster, iTunes, Starbucks, plus much more!!)

Half of all that pesky unwanted yumminess will be sent to our troops in harm’s way to put a smile on their faces! To create an even bigger smile, write a letter of thanks and bring it with your candy to tell our military heroes how much you appreciate them. Your note could mean the world to a lonely soldier far make from home and we’ll sure they get it and your candy! The other half will go to our local Good News at Noon’s Homeless Shelter.

We thank you ahead of time for helping us make a difference both globally and locally. For more information on our Candy Buy Back program and information about our office…visit us at